“For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”” Luke 14:11 NLT https://bible.com/bible/116/luk.14.11.NLT
God's standards for his children, and the world's standards are completely opposite. The world tells us to chase more more more. More money, more fame, more influence, more things. God tells us to humble ourselves and not put ourselves and our wants before others, and most importantly before God.
In a world of constant moving, and chasing things that truly don't matter, God wants us to chase him. To help the poor, to be nice to the outcasts. To give to others in need. To take care of his people. To help spread the good news of the gospel. To love and forgive others. To depend on God for our needs, not ourselves.
It's incredibly easy to get caught up in the ways of this world. One day without being in God's word, or making a conscious effort for him to be apart of our everyday life, and we forget his ways and what's really important. We start chasing material things, which really are just our idols…the same kind of things God detests in the Old Testament.
So I hope today, this will be a good reminder to remember what really matters. God doesn't care of wealth, status, or material possessions. He cares about your heart, and how you help others and serve him. He cares how you treat people, all of his people. He cares about how you fight to make him the center of your life, in a busy world that seems to be against everything he stands for.
Soooo Strive every day to be more like Jesus, living with truth and grace Forgive others Be kind, and apologize when you mess up Humble yourself Stop chasing things, and chase God Be a light to others Make others want to know God because of you and your heart Share the Gospel with those around you Never stop praying and talking to God Ask for forgiveness when you mess up Stand up for what's right Don't be apart of the crowd, when the crowd is chasing worthless things In everything strive to glorify God And never forget that, no matter what, God loves you, and all he longs for is a relationship with you! He wants you to chose him, and to allow him to take care of you!
